how to increase alexa rank quickly

Alexa  show you your website traffic Rank if your site is getting huge traffic from search engines
then your you will see your site rank is higher  if your site is not getting traffic
from search engines then you need to do something if you want traffic and in this tutorial
i will show you how to increase your site Alexa Traffic Rank
first of all you need to submit your website in famous search engines like Google
yahoo bing and also verify your site in google webmaster tools you can verify your site
in google webmaster tools by following my tutorial 

by visiting my tutorial you can easily verify your site in google webmaster tools

how to increase alexa rank quickly

you can't increase your site traffic rank in minutes it's takes some times 
i think  few days  
you can increase your traffic rank by doing following things

Install Alexa Traffic Rank extension in chrome.

Alexa Traffic Rank Extension look like following screen shoot

my Website traffic rank is not good because my domain is just 5 days old
you can download this extension and install it from chrome webstore
just open chrome web store and search  Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Traffic Rank extension is not a tool that increase your website traffic rank
Alexa traffic extensions
can help you to check your website traffic rank easily
if some told  you that by just installing this extension you can increase your web traffic rank then it's not true.

Write Unique Content.

content are important not only to increase your web traffic rank  but
your site rank is depended on  your content if you have unique content then
your web visitors will like your site and they will visit your website daily
but if your content are copied from other websites and have don't have  quilty  then there is no chance to increase your website traffic rank so write your own content
to increase  your website traffic rank.

Write Content regularly.

if you are updating your site daily then you can increase your website traffic Rank easily
you have seen in many famous blogs but you know why they are famous because they are writing content regularly and after installing Alexa traffic extension you can see their traffic ranks
so share new content on your website regularly

Share your content on social media.

when you create new article don't forget to share it on social media
by doing this you will get huge traffic and also your website traffic rank will be increased 
and if you have good content then your website will be famous

Put Alexa widget On your Website

Alexa widget also help you to  increase alexa traffic ranking
 Alexa widget will show your website current Alexa ranking status .
 just  register your website to 
you will get alexa widget code  paste the code in  your blog footer or anywhere else.

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